Dear Parent/Carer,

Firstly, a huge welcome back to a brand-new school year at Monteagle! It was absolutely wonderful to see you all back yesterday morning, although I think many of you were much happier to see the start of September.

I have to say; the children were simply lovely all day. Happy, enthusiastic and full of life. We all met for assembly for the first time in 2 years, in our school hall and the children were back in the halls for lunch time. Normality has resumed and it feels great.

Our staff have also returned reinvigorated with a sharp focus on continuing to raise achievement and progress whilst ensuring that your children have a rich and full curriculum. It is no exaggeration to say that we are all very much looking forward to this year! As always, I have a few reminders for you all.


Please read our school uniform checklist on the attached page. We expect all children to attend in full school uniform every day. Collared shirts MUST be worn by all children in year 2 and above.

On your child’s PE day, they must come into school wearing their full PE kit. Jewellery must not be worn. They do not need a PE in school on any other day.

PE Days:

Tuesday- Years 3 and 4

Wednesday- Years 5 and 6

Thursday Years 1 and 2

Friday- Nursery, Reception, ARP and Caterpillar Class.

School day, absence and holidays during term time:

Our school day starts at 8.55am for all children. Anyone arriving after that time will be marked as late and should go round to the Stamford Road door to receive their late mark. School finishes at 3.10pm. If you are going to be late, please make sure that you contact us so that we know. If you arrive after 3.20pm please go to the school office.

Unfortunately, we will not authorise any holidays during term time for any reason. Please remember that any child who falls below 90% will be regarded as a Persistent Absentee and will then be referred to the access and attendance officer for the borough. If your child is ill, please call the school office and leave a message with your child’s name, class and reason for absence.

Homework, Parent Mail and our website:

Our school website is the best way to see what is going on at school. Every week our Year Group’s put up a post letting your know what the children have been up too. Year groups also upload our curriculum webs for the term and the curriculum knowledge organisers. These should all be available to you by Friday so please look out for them.

Homework is uploaded weekly to your child’s Google Classroom account. If you are having trouble accessing anything, please let us know. All of our letters etc, will be posted via Parent Mail, please make sure you are able to access this. Letters will also be available via the website.

Clubs and Events:

We are going back to hosting a full range of clubs and events this year and we will be welcoming you all back into school. Your support is always valued, and we look forward to seeing you all there!

Please look out for our club timetable for Autumn which should be with you in the coming week. If you are interested in our Breakfast and extended school provision, Rainbows, please call the office and ask to speak to Tulen.

I feel as though I have bombarded you all with lots of information in this letter so, for now, I will stop. I will be writing to you all monthly but in September, I will send another newsletter at the end of the month.


For now, have a wonderful week!

Best Wishes

Sara Rider
