On Thursday, we hosted our annual event of Sports Day on the field, with children, parents and staff all attending. We wanted all children to participate in some way, and we have been sitting with the sports coaches to find a way for this to work, and they did not disappoint. We thought of activities that all children can do, we practised them in their P.E lessons for the past few weeks prior to the day – this was to ensure the children knew what to do with each activity when shown to them.

Nearly all children participated in some way which we were so happy about as a team. Many of our children really took to the activities well, whether that was with or without adult support. Some activities included; bean-bag throw, hurdles, and javelin throwing.

It was lovely to see so many parents attend too to cheer on their children. Some parents also helped with supporting their child to complete tasks if necessary, and we would like to thank those who did that. It was also lovely to see so many parents, brothers and sisters join in with the parent races at the end of all the children’s events. So many took part which was fantastic to see – the numbers were much greater this year than previous years, so we would like to also thank all those parents and family members who ran in the races.

We would finally like to give a huge thank you to the sporting coaches; Mr Collymore and Mr Francis, for putting together a sports day that was perfect for our children. It was quick and engaging, all the children were constantly up and moving and smiling throughout the activities. It was a truly magnificent day and we are all so happy that it was a success.

Take a look at the many pictures below to see the children, and some staff, in action!