This week has been a very busy but fun filled week for all the reception children.  Children have been learning about Christmas and how it’s celebrated all around the world. On Wednesday, 12th December, children enjoyed Christmas dinner, pulling crackers and Christmas music to add to the fun. Reception children have also been working extremely hard practicing their Christmas Nativity. They had been very excited to show their parents/ carers their performance which was on Thursday afternoon, 14th December. Our Key Stage 1 hall was totally jam packed with excited and happy parents. Reception children took great pride in showing off their singing, dancing and acting skills. All the reception children were brilliant and seeing so many parents/ carers enjoying their children’s performance was truly amazing. Reception Staff has worked extremely hard for getting all the children to participate and experience the thrill of performing in front of such a large audience. The joy of celebrating Christmas with our near and dear ones is absolutely wonderful.

We, the reception team thank all the parents/ carers and other family members who have taken out their precious time to attend our wonderful reception children’s nativity concert.