Cooking and food preparation is one of the key life skills that we always try to focus on in our classes as it is so important for adult life and independence. Sometimes, it will consist of simple tasks like spreading butter on toast, or pouring milk onto our cereals. Other times, it will include using the toaster to make toast, turning on the oven or microwave for warming something up. With these, we are teaching the children how to complete these tasks successfully and safely.

This week, we have been making cookies; decorating them and warming them up. Other classes  were making ginger fizz; mixing the ingredients, and having a taste at the end. Simple tasks for some, but still a simple target for out children to learn and complete for their every day life.

Other children, had some sensory time. This might include jumping on a trampoline, or creating wonderful paintings with paint and different colours.

Take a look at the pictures below to see the cooking and sensory tasks this week.