So, as you are aware, many of our children have been out on local visits, walks and trips over the past few weeks. These trips have been very successful, and it has been a pleasure to take the children out to so many different places.
Our final trip for this term consisted of taking some of our children to Dagenham Heathway library to sit and have a book read to them, and complete fun activities in a different environment to their usual class. The staff at the library were very patient and supportive of our children, and offered to read a few books to the children during their visit. They sat very well and listened politely to the lady reading to them. They needed to get on the bus to get to the library, waiting for the bus, getting on and sitting down sensibly. They did this so well and the staff who went with them were so proud of the children’s behaviour and understanding of safety.
Our current topic is Transport, hence the trips and visits on local transport. But to add to this experience, we had organised a police car to come in for the children to sit in and experience! Two police officers came in and parked their car inside the school. In classes, our children were given the time to talk to the officers and ask questions, wear the police hats, and sit in the police car, front and back seats. The officers who attended were very good with the children. They were patient, answered questions, and let some of the children wear their hat as well as hold their hand cuffs to play with.
The children loved sitting in the police car. They did not turn on the sirens, as this could have upset many of our children due to the loud noise. But the blue lights were turned on for the children to see. Again, the children loved this experience. And next week, we should hopefully be having a fire engine coming into school, so watch this space!