Last week, the ARP had their Sports Day!

Parents were invited and all the children participated on the day incredibly well. We had some children who did not take part last year, yet did this year. This was so amazing to see the progress made from last year to now! We, as a team, are so proud of all the children for participating.

Our Sports Day consisted of a range of familiar activities to the children that they complete in their P.E lessons recently. These were; javelin throwing, bean bag throwing, obstacle courses and running, climbing and jumping.

Parents also seemed to enjoy their day out watching their children compete against one another. The ARP staff would like to thank all those parents who could attend and watch with us. It was so amazing to see so many of you come aloud and support the children, as well as compete in a parent teacher race. We would like to congratulate a parent who has won consecutive years in the parent race – no names mentioned of course, but congratulations to you!

Please take a look at the pictures below. We have so many more, so if you would like to see more, please do ask the class teachers to share some with you.