On Wednesday afternoon, eight Year 4 children attended a graduation ceremony to celebrate their achievements in The Brilliant Club. Sadly children from 4H were unable to join in with the celebrations but they will receive their certificates next week. To begin their celebrations the children had a special lunch. Once finished they listened to an inspirational speech by Navaratnam Partheeban and were then awarded with their certificate.
The children worked extremely hard on their essays titled What is fairness? They demonstrated curiosity and perseverance and as a result produced excellent essays which really impressed their tutor. Here is what some of the children had to say about their experiences:
Winnie – I enjoyed working with the people in my class and the other classes. I enjoyed arguing about what is right. I also enjoyed learning about how much female and male footballers got paid. I really enjoyed receivingĀ my result as it showed how hard I worked and how much effort I put in.
Aivaras – I enjoyed discussing who should get paid more, male or female footballers, and IĀ explaining my reasons for this.
Miss Rider and everyone in Year 4 are extremely proud of their achievements.