Dear Zoo has been the buzz in our classroom this week! The children have been fully immersed in the book, exploring various activities to enhance their learning experience. From crafting animal masks to painting and printing animals, the little ones have let their imaginative thoughts flow.
They even tried their hand at writing letters and postcards to the zoo keeper, expressing their thoughts about the book and sharing their choice of pet animal.
In the realm of maths, our focus was on money, specifically 1p and 2p. The outdoor shop was a hit, as the children enjoyed the buying and selling activities, gaining practical experience in handling money. Additionally, they used picture graphs to identify their classmates’ favourite pets, creating an engaging and interactive learning environment.
It’s been a joy to witness the enthusiasm and engagement of the reception class in all these activities. Their creativity and eagerness to learn have shone through, making this week a truly memorable and enriching experience for all.
I can’t wait to see what exciting adventures await us next week!