Welcome back to our first full week of the year! All of us at the ARP hope you had a wonderful break and had the chance to enjoy the weather.

This week, we have been settling the children back into our school routine with activities and lessons that are fun and engaging for their learning.

Our topic this term is ‘All About Me’ and our bodies. With this, we are matching body parts, talking about body parts, and recognising familiar body parts. The children have been doing really well with their learning and understanding of body parts.

We have also been looking at the recognising numbers in sensory trays in our EYFS classes. We used sawdust and pasta for the children to mix together whilst looking for the buried numbers inside.

For our formal class they were focussing on recognising missing numbers on a number line to 50. For example, ‘Which number is the arrow point to between 30 and 50. How do you know?’

The children did really well to explain how they knew which number was being pointed out by going up to the board and showing their answer to the rest of the class. This is a challenging thing to do, but their class teacher encourages this frequently, which is helping them to build that confidence. Take a look at the pictures below to see the children across the ARP hard at work.

If you have any questions about activities or sensory ideas, please do get in touch via the email below and we will be happy to assist where we can.
