Hello, dear parents and friends of our nursery,

Yesterday was a day filled with joy, laughter, and a touch of nostalgia as we celebrated the graduation of our little stars. Our nursery graduation ceremony was a wonderful occasion that marked the end of a beautiful chapter and the beginning of an exciting new adventure for our young graduates. I am delighted to share the highlights of this memorable day with you.

Setting the Stage
The preparations for the graduation ceremony began weeks in advance. The children were buzzing with excitement, practicing their songs and eagerly talking about the big day. We chose a rainbow  theme to capture the essence of growth and new beginnings. The classroom was transformed with colourful balloons, Thank you again Gemma for all your hard work
. A huge thank you to Sarah Weavers, Thank you for all your hard work this year, we were so lucky to have had you this year, you really are a shining star.


The Ceremony Begins
We began the ceremony with a heartfelt welcome address by our Amazing Head teacher- Thank you Ms Rider. We spoke about the incredible journey our little ones had taken, from their first hesitant steps into the nursery to the confident, curious learners they have become. It was a moment to acknowledge not only their growth but also the love and support of their families and the dedication of our teaching team.


Awarding Certificates
Each child was called up to receive their graduation certificate. As we handed out the certificates, we shared a few words about each child’s unique qualities and achievements. These moments were met with cheers and applause, celebrating the individuality and accomplishments of every graduate.

Performances by the Children
Our talented graduates then took to the stage to showcase their hard work and creativity. They sang songs,one being our all time favourite Twinkle Twinkle little star.

Looking Ahead
As we bid farewell to our graduates, we are filled with a sense of pride and hope. These young learners have grown so much during their time with us, and we are confident that they are ready to take on the exciting challenges of primary school. We look forward to hearing about their future adventures and successes.

A Special Thank You
I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the parents for their support and involvement throughout the year. Your encouragement and participation have been invaluable. A big thank you also goes to our dedicated teaching team, whose hard work and love have helped shape these wonderful children. Special thank you to Mr Tom for your amazing creativity and Sarah for being the solid nurturer, you are amazing. To the wonderful Gemma, We cannot stop singing your praises. Thank you again for the balloons.

Yesterday’s graduation ceremony was a beautiful celebration of growth, learning, and new beginnings. It was a day filled with pride, joy, and cherished memories. As we look forward to the future, we carry with us the warmth and happiness of this special day.

Here’s to the class of 2024 and the bright future that awaits them!

Ms Majekodunmi