This week the children in Reception have been learning all about the beautiful country of Spain. We have had so much fun being creative and exploring different aspects of Spanish culture. The children have shown great enthusiasm in our activities, from making colourful Spanish fans to crafting intricate Spanish flags. They have been learning about the meanings behind these symbols and why they are important to the people of Spain.

we have also worked together to create a delicious recipe for Paella, a traditional Spanish dish. The children eagerly awaited the moment when we could all taste the mouth-watering flavours of our Paella. Their faces lit up with joy as they took their first bites and shared their thoughts on the dish.

To truly immerse ourselves in the Spanish culture, we put on our dancing shoes and learned how to dance the Flamenco. The children moved gracefully to the rhythm of the music, showcasing their newfound dance skills with big smiles on their faces. It was a joy to see them embrace a new form of expression with such enthusiasm and energy.

As the week drew to a close, we prepared a special display of all our wonderful work for the important adults in our lives to see. The children proudly presented their creations and shared their favourite facts about Spain, showcasing their newfound knowledge and skills. It was a delightful way to celebrate the end of a fantastic week of learning and exploration.