This week, some of our children went out of school onto a local trip. The purpose of this local trip was to teach children to use public transport, mainly focussing on using a bus and a train safely.

We needed to teach the children how to call a bus down safely, using oyster cards and when to get off. We then had to teach children how to get on a train safely and get off at their destination. They particularly needed to know to stay away from the yellow line as it is dangerous to stand there.

The children listened really well and followed the adult’s instructions well throughout. They returned to school near lunch time and had a great time. We would like to thank the adults and parents who supported on this trip, and hopefully you saw the children benefitting from the experience.

Other classes were looking at making patterns using animal feet to make patterns on paper with paint. You may have seen some pictures last week where children were completing this activity, but here you can see the other children participating really well with many different colours and animal figures to make their patterns.

Finally, our older children were looking at measurement and walking around the school trying to find which objects are 1 metre long in length. This was tricky to find, but the children were able to use rulers and metre sticks to help them solve the problems. They worked really well in pairs and groups, using the metre sticks correctly and were very sensible throughout the activity.

Please take a look at the range of things our children across the ARP have been participating in this week.