As always, the children have been hard at work, but not just in class this week, but also taking part in local walks and trips! These pictures will be shared next week as we have many more walks and trips happening next week too.

Today, we wanted to share some pictures of some of our Maths and Cooking tasks. You can see how the planning an teaching are varied and differentiated from our younger children up to our older, integrated children. Some of the children are sorting from smallest to biggest, lowest to highest, and shortest to tallest. Other children who are working in and out of integration from mainstream, are focussing on word problems; finding the difference between two numbers. These are tricky questions, but the children are eager to learn and love writing on the interactive whiteboard, as you can see from the pictures.

At other times in the day, our children have been cooking and making a mess – one of the most exciting times of the week! Linking it to our current learning topic -Transport- the children were making ‘Traffic Light biscuits’. Starting from scratch, they needed to have the right ingredients, mix them together, add food colouring, and finally bake them to the perfect crispiness that a cookie needs! The children love baking and making a mess, and it really shows in the lessons and the pictures.

If you would like to see more of what your children will be doing this term, please take a look on the website under ‘ARP’ in Year Groups and you will see our Spring term Overview.