Over the past two months, our dedicated Year 5 students have taken on the wonderful responsibility of maintaining the community garden area near Best One. This initiative has not only enhanced the beauty of our surroundings but also provided a hands-on learning experience for our children.

Planting and Caring for Our Garden
The children have been diligently planting a variety of flowers and seeds, transforming the space into a vibrant and inviting garden. Despite the challenges posed by the hot weather, our Year 5 students have shown remarkable commitment. Each morning and afternoon, they fill their water bottles and head down to the garden to ensure the plants are well-hydrated. Their efforts are truly starting to pay off as the garden begins to flourish and bloom.

How You Can Help
We are reaching out to our wonderful community for additional support:

Weekend Watering: If you live in the area and have some spare time during the weekends, we would greatly appreciate your help in watering the flowers. Keeping the garden hydrated over the weekend is crucial to its continued success.
Plant Donations: If you have any plants that you would like to donate, please bring them to the school. Your contributions will help us expand and diversify our garden, making it even more beautiful and educational for our students.

We are incredibly proud of our Year 5 students for their hard work and dedication. Their efforts have not only beautified our community but also fostered a sense of responsibility and teamwork.

Thank you for your support and involvement in making our community garden a success!