Each week, the children have music and P.E lessons on a Friday. These sessions are taught by our experienced and well trained music and P.E members of staff and they are amazing at supporting and engaging all the children across our classes.

The plans and sessions are catered slightly differently to accommodate the physical and sensory needs of the children, ranging from EYFS up to our Formal class. These sessions can consist of climbing, running, rolling, and throwing in P.E.

In music, the sessions can include singing, dancing, musical instruments that make a lot of noise, or quiet noises, depending on the sensory needs of the children in that particular class.

All children engage in these sessions, whether it is fully or a small amount of participation, but the staff are fully committed to ensure the children experience the sessions fully.

During these times, all the children transition to and from the PE hall and the music room. This is important for our children to get familiar with new surroundings frequently.

Take a look at the pictures of the children having a fun time below in these engaging and sensory activities.