Reception children had a fantastic sports day. All the children had worked hard and practised many times. Their hard work paid off! All the children put in their best efforts and excelled in all their races and events. The play ground was jam packed with lots of fun, laughter and cheering up from all the participants and all the parents and family members who were able to join us for the afternoon.
The children took part in lots of different activities for example the sack race, tennis ball balance and obstacle race. All the children were super excited and showed great determination to keep up to their teams’ expectations. After the children had completed their races, more fun awaited as it was the parents’ turn to do their races. Thus, reception children’s favourite event of the day was watching their parents racing each other.All the children had persevered and did their best to make their Sports Day  a great success which made all the teachers extremely proud of them all.
A huge thank you to Mr Francis and Mr Collymore for organising an amazing Friday afternoon and thank you to the Year 5 sports leaders for their help in supporting our reception children.
Thank you to all who came and made our Sports Day, a memorable day for one and all!