Welcome back to all children and parents/carers. We hope you had a lovely Easter break. This week our children have had a lovely surprise, a spider climbing frame was fitted in our outdoor garden! The children have really enjoyed climbing the new apparatus and have really shown great enthusiasm in engaging in a new and challenging activity. The spider frame is always supervised with an adult always there to support the children whilst using the apparatus.

Below is some information regarding the benefits of engaging in climbing and engaging in risky and challenging play:

Risky play helps to develop important life skills such as;

Building resilience and persistence
Balance and coordination
Awareness of the capabilities and limits of their own bodies
The ability to assess and make judgement about risk
Handling tools safely and with purpose
Understanding consequence to action
Confidence and independence
Creativity and inventiveness
Curiosity and wonder
Problem solving

Each child is unique and so the level of risk and challenge they seek will also vary, yet most children will actively seek risk and challenge in play as they explore the world around them and their own physical abilities.

Life is full of risk. By providing children with opportunities to participate in risky and challenging play in a safe learning environment, we provide opportunity for the development of important life skill learnings such as making choices, problem solving, measured risk taking, and navigating their way socially and emotionally in group situations. These skills will be important right through life –particularly in vulnerable stages such as their teenage years, so let’s send them out prepared.