Over the past few weeks, the ARP have been hosting Parent Sensory Workshops in our classes. The main focus and aim of these were to share our sensory activities we set up for our children with parents to see what their children are doing at school, as well as for them to take ideas home and create some sensory areas or activities for their children that they like. It was also a nice way for the parents to spend time with their child in a school setting. This is new for us here in the ARP, as we have not set up a workshop to this magnitude and across the entire ARP. A lot of time and preparation went into organising this for parents, and we had so many attend which was amazing to see.

We hosted these workshops across two weeks, to ensure there were not too many adults in class at one given time to prevent overwhelming for the children. We also wanted the parents to have some quality time with their child in a smaller group to gain full access and experience from the event. We began with a short slideshow to parents explaining the importance of sensory activities and why we try hard to encourage sensory play. It really boosts the progression of children’s development in so many ways and is crucial for their social skills and language development.

In our sensory workshops, we had a range sensory activities linked to the 5 key senses; sight, touch, taste, smell and hearing. We had activities set out across the room for the children and parents to move around and explore at different areas in class. These activities were creative and different across the ARP classes, so please do take a look at the activities below in the pictures below.

We would like to thank the parents that were able to attend the workshops over the last few weeks. It is a pleasure to host these for you all, and we hope you were able to take feedback home with you for ideas to try with your child and their likes/ preferences with sensory activities. We hope you gained some important tips from your visits. The feedback was very positive from parents that attended, so thank you for letting us know!

If you have any questions regarding the workshops or activities to create at home, please do email or phone up and we will be happy to support in school or during a home visit to set up activities at home for your children.