This past term, our learning has been based around the topic ‘Pets and Animals’. For this reason, we thought it would be nice for the children to meet a pet to stroke and hold to bring their learning to life, and to give an experience they have not had in school before.

Mr Lynn kindly offered to bring his rabbit in from home for the children to meet. Her name is Muffin and she is a grey and golden lop-eared rabbit. She is 6 years old and has a very sweet temperament to her. She is fluffy, inquisitive and loves to be nosy at what is happening around her.

She spent some time with each class, with giving all the children a chance to come over and meet her. Some children even had the chance to sit her on their laps and hold her. This depended on how gentle they were when stroking her, as well as how comfortable the children were to have a rabbit sit on their lap. More children than expected wanted her to sit on their lap, and Muffin was very well behaved and calm for the children.

It was a lovely experience for the children to have at the end of the term. Thank you to Mr Lynn for bringing her in and allowing the children to stroke and hold her. Take a look at the pictures below to see the children interacting with Muffin the Rabbit.