In June, Phoenix at Monteagle was visited by colleagues from the Local Authority who conducted a review in our ARP. Our reviewers on the day were Liz Chaplin (local authority representative) and Rehana Talaimojeh (school personnel involved in the visit).
We are pleased to announce that the overall effectiveness grade is Outstanding.
The Evidence Base
The visit consisted of observations of learning in all classes and outside .There was a mixture of classroom-based learning, workstations tasks, adult directed learning, and free choice .The children were also observed arriving ,the transition from buses to the classrooms and the transition across to the main school building.
The school supplied documentary evidence on progress the pupils were making including evidence from Excel data ,MAPPS assessment and’ Evidence for learning’ journals. A cross section of books were scrutinised from across the whole age range ,different subject areas, and all the curriculum pathways. Examples of individual learning and behaviour plans were shared as was a range of curriculum planning . Attendance data was shared and discussed. Summaries of the wide range of training provided for both staff and parents was presented as were outcomes from parental pupil and staff surveys .Feedback from outside professionals and compliance records were also available.
In the report, they wrote:
Quality of Education
All the classroom environments are consistent in their approaches and are designed to accommodate the specific needs of pupils undertaking the pre- formal, semi formal or formal curriculum paths. The quality of education provided for all pupils at this ARP is outstanding. Leaders have adopted and amended the EQUALS curriculum that is specifically designed for autistic pupils to ensure it is matched to both the developmental and specific needs of each pupils A considerable amount of research and preparation has gone into the development of the engagement model and how it can be effectively delivered and assessed. Each pathway is coherently planned and sequenced particularly the pre formal and semi formal curriculums. SCERTs is implemented in all classrooms. Each pupil follows a programme designed to match their specific needs, but these are planned to ensure progress is made across all areas of learning. The whole staff team are involved in planning, assessing and target setting. There is admirable consistency in both the environments and the way in which learning is planned and delivered. This is attributed to the high quality and regular CPD offered, hands on modelling of effective strategies and a very well-designed structure of systems and processes which are understood by all staff. The staff team are highly skilled, and expectations of learning are high. Reading and all forms of communication have a high priority evident in all classrooms. Resources are used creativity and continually adapted to meet changing needs. The progress made by all the children across all areas of learning is remarkable given the large numbers and complexity of need. Pupils are engaged in their learning and are clearly thriving.
Behaviour and Attitudes
The quality of education provided for all pupils at this ARP is outstanding. Leaders have adopted and amended the EQUALS curriculum that is specifically designed for autistic pupils to ensure it is matched to both the developmental and specific needs of each pupils A considerable amount of research and preparation has gone into the development of the engagement model and how it can be effectively delivered and assessed. Each pathway is coherently planned and sequenced particularly the pre formal and semi formal curriculums. SCERTs is implemented in all classrooms. Each pupil follows a programme designed to match their specific needs, but these are planned to ensure progress is made across all areas of learning. The whole staff team are involved in planning, assessing and target setting. There is admirable consistency in both the environments and the way in which learning is planned and delivered. This is attributed to the high quality and regular CPD offered, hands on modelling of effective strategies and a very well-designed structure of systems and processes which are understood by all staff. The staff team are highly skilled, and expectations of learning are high. Reading and all forms of communication have a high priority evident in all classrooms. Resources are used creativity and continually adapted to meet changing needs. The progress made by all the children across all areas of learning is remarkable given the large numbers and complexity of need. Pupils are engaged in their learning and are clearly thriving.
Personal Development
The ARP consistently promotes the extensive personal development of its pupils .The adoption of Autism Specific Approaches enables staff to provide high quality pastoral support. They model expected behaviours and provide opportunities for pupils to emulate these. The calm and measured responses from adults allows pupils to know they are valued as individuals .The regular and meaningful contact with parents including home visits supports families with routines structure and life skills and also ensures staff are aware of and can encourage pupils to develop their skills and talents. The development of life skills is a key component of the curriculum offer and parents commented very positively on how their child is now able to function more successfully in family life. The successful work the school has done in developing these partnerships with parents has been recognised with the award of funding from health to extend this approach across and beyond the borough. Parents comment very favourably on the support they receive including remote and in person training.
Leadership and Management
The leadership of the ARP from both the ARP lead and the head of Phoenix is outstanding. They share a clear and ambitious vision and are relentless in their pursuit of excellence .They ensure they are providing a high-quality education for every pupil. .They have incorporated evidence-based research practice into their offer. They have enabled all staff to receive focused and highly effective professional development which builds and develop over time. This translates into continual improvements in the teaching of the curriculum .They engage very effectively with a wide range of professionals and are widely recognised for their high levels of knowledge and expertise .
Wonderful affirmation of the hard work of our children and staff.