Our children assume many responsibilities across the school in this year group. They carry out duties which are greatly appreciated from by all member’s of staff. Our goal is to ensure the children are ready to succeed in their further education, and their future careers.
This year we are considering more specifically, the idea of ‘Service Learning.’ Providing a service to another person/people – discussing the notion of intrinsic motivation (the feel good factor you have when you do something for no reward).
At lunch time, we become the head of their tables and help to dish out and serve lunch to all of the younger children. We have been thinking about table etiquette and good manners as we feel that it’s our responsibility to demonstrate these manners and set the desired behaviour.
We have been acting out scenarios whereby we’ve tried to highlight both GOOD and BAD manners. This was a fun activity and the children have really taken on board some of the ideas discussed, and have assured their teachers they will bring these ideas into the lunch halls from now on.