There has been lots of exploration in art and DT this week.


Year 3 got to enjoy the sunshine while going on a shape hunt to discover what geometric shapes are within the things they see that can be used to inform the foundation stages of drawing accurately. This will be used further, when they begin to create accurate and detailed drawing of everyday objects.


Year 4 looked inside a torch and explored the different types of torches and their uses for different people. They went on to create their own circuits that included a homemade switch in preparation to design make and evaluate their own torch next half term.


Year 5 began a new topic that investigates the influences of Mayan art on the art world today and took a closer look at the works of Mexican painter Diego Rivera. They took a personalised note-taking approach where they allowed their own opinions and preferences to dictate what they wrote and drew.


Year 6 combined their learning of tone in previous lessons and combination with colour theory to discover about how to saturate and desaturate a tonal range that included a base colour. To do this, they explored a variety of media that included chalks, oil pastels, soft pastels and watercolours, each able to talk about their preferred media and why they thought what they did about it.