This week in reception we have been reading the story ‘Stanley Stick’ written by John Hegley and illustrated by Neal Layton. After reading this story the children shared their own ideas and thoughts on what we could turn any sticks we found into, for example superhero’s, princesses, aeroplanes, and magic wands.
During the week the children went on a stick hunt to see what they could find. We took our clipboards to record our findings and went to explore the different outside areas of our school. We collected lots of different sticks and brought them back to class to explore and use to create some amazing models and artwork.
The children have been busy discussing the story and using their own ideas to find different ways to create there very own Stanley Sticks
using different materials such as carboard tubes, lollypop sticks, Sticks from our hunt and googly eyes. We compared our sticks models to see who had the tallest or shortest before using our models in our everyday play.