This week’s #WakeUpWednesday post is all about the risks of the popular video game Final Fantasy XIV, as well as letting you know how to help young players safely enjoy this MMORPG.

Massively multiplayer online roleplaying games – or ‘MMORPGs’ – are a highly popular subgenre, allowing people from all over the world to exist within the same fantasy realm, joining each other on quests or testing their skills against each other. One such title in this genre is Final Fantasy XIV, which released back in 2010 and – despite its initial failure – saw a surge of popularity in later years.

As with any online game, there are plenty of risks associated with Final Fantasy XIV – and it’s vital for parents and educators to understand these safety concerns, in case any children in their care wish to enjoy this title. This guide offers expert insight into the potential hazards of playing Final Fantasy XIV and lets you know how best to safeguard any young fans of the game.




If you have any questions or concerns about this topic, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with the Safeguarding Team.