At Monteagle Primary School, we use the Jigsaw scheme of learning to teach PSHE, which is taught across all year groups from nursey up to year six. There are six main themes in the scheme of learning, a theme is taught every half term. The six themes are Being Me, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. At the beginning of each half term, the PSHE lead teacher introduces the new theme to the school in a whole school assembly. This ensures that all children in the school know that they are working collaboratively in PSHE with the other students in the school on the same theme. This gives the children opportunities to work collaboratively with other children in their class and across year groups. Once the new theme has been introduced, the class teacher then teaches six PSHE lessons a half term linked to the main theme. This approach allows the children to learn in a progressive way, deepening their knowledge of each theme as they progress through the school. Children are able to learn the objectives linked to the themes in each year group at an age appropriate level. At the end of each theme, there is a whole school celebration. Children in all year group will be working on a project to contribute to the end of theme celebration.
The jigsaw scheme is current and up to date with the national curriculum and the resources show real-life depictions of our society and the world we live in today. For example, when children are learning about themselves and their families, all different types of people and families are shown as representations. This means that the children are learning about the world around them and can relate more to the resources as they are modern.
Every child at Monteagle Primary School is taught PSHE weekly; at the heart of these lessons are circle times and calm me time. This creates an opportunity for the children to share ideas with others in the group in a relaxed and calm environment. These circle times and calm me times are fundamental in building authentic communication. As the weeks go by, the children’s trust and respect for each other deepens and they share more about themselves. The more they connect with each other and sympathise, the more they are willing to work cooperatively and build learning groups that are effective across the curriculum. This encourages children to respect each other’s views, feelings and opinions.
Please click the image below for the PSHE curriculum overview: