All state maintained primary, secondary and special schools, are accountable to their governing bodies, which in turn are accountable to parents and the community. School governors are volunteers who help run the school, and together they are called the Governing Body. They are involved in decisions about all aspects of managing the school.



Posts of Responsibility




Please click her to view the following Governing Body documents:

Governing Body Information

Instrument of Government

Governor Attendance

Terms of Reference – Resources (Revised 2021)

Terms of Reference – Standards (Revises 2021)

Schools Financial Benchmarking Service


Nicole Coull

Co-opted Governor

Sara Rider

Sara Rider

Headteacher, Strategic Lead

Mandie Foster

Mandie Foster

Senior Administrator (Finance)/ Co-opted governor

Gary Smith

Vice Chair of Governors

Nicky Jose

Nicky Jose

Parent Support Advisor and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Martin Ekers

Martin Ekers

Chair of Governors

Selina Johnson

Parent Governor

Tulen Nevzat

Tulen Nevzat

School Business Manager, Operational Lead

Fahima Ali

Parent Governor